About this website

Hello, I created this website as a volunteer and as a resident of my beautiful hometown of Savonranta. I was helped by some enthusiastic residents. The purpose of this website is to give more information to our guests. If you have any questions about the website you can contact me via this link.
Han van de Graaf

Roeien in Savonranta

I enjoy nature, peace and quiet here with my dogs, in ‘the middle of knowhere’ in the middle of the forest by Vääräjärvi lake.

For more information about Savonlinna or the Saimaa Lake District, see the following websites: www.visitsavonlinna.fi and www.visitsaimaa.fi.

I would like to thank the persons and organisations listed below for contributing to this website.

  • Raija Heikkilä
  • Anu Ahlström
  • Sarah Kranendonk
  • Kati Myllys
  • Aini Rössi
  • Jere Hirvonen
  • Juha Viljanen
  • Tarja M
  • Jani Ojala
  • J. Silvennoinen
  • Lions Club Savonranta
  • Savonranta Society
  • Visit Saimaa
  • Visit Savonlinna
  • The Finnish Storyteller
  • Perämettä Productions
  • Webmaster: Han van de Graaf

Special thanks to Jaana Tyrmi, for providing texts and photos from the savonranta.fi website

We have tried to locate and name all rights holders. If you miss yourself or your organization, please contact us. You can do so via this form.